Know more about the East Asian Digital Ecosystem

Do you want to expand your business or understand the powerhouses of East Asia? Asiance provides you with a presentation to explore the differences, challenges, and insights in South Korea, China, and Japan.

In recent years, more businesses have been entering the Asian market. Especially to South Korea, China, and Japan, as the market is booming. It’s true that these three countries are physically adjacent, but did you know that they have very different attributes when it comes to e-commerce platforms, consumer behavior, and trends? In order to successfully understand these three countries, it is necessary to approach it individually.

First of all, in South Korea, the e-commerce category can be largely divided by the number of product categories covered: open market & integrated mall and vertical mall. And due to COVID-19, online shopping has been booming even more with over 94% of South Koreans from 20-39 using online shopping. The search platform, Google, is not a dominant tool in Korea, and instead Naver or Daum are the dominant search tools for Koreans. Additionally, there are two local giants: Kakao and Naver that cover various stages of the customer journey that is unique to Korea.

Continuing on to China, it has an extremely fast growing internet penetration rate of 71.6% with the largest online community in the world. And with an explosion of mobile phone users of 99%, the e-commerce market is very attractive. The e-commerce market continues to grow and stands at 2.1 trillion USD (2021), accounting for over half of the world’s e-commerce market. Due to the large population of 710 million people, China has one of the largest digital buyer power in the world. 

Lastly in Japan, the viewership of TV is still fairly strong. TV viewership accounts for 4.09 hours compared to digital media usage time of 3.41 hours. However, the usage of online video platforms is increasing after COVID-19, with 117.4 million internet users. Additionally, unique to Japan the usage of Line in e-commerce can be seen as well as manga advertisements.

Each of these three countries are in close physical proximity together, but are vastly different. Asiance collaborated with strong local partners in China and Japan to deliver the knowledge and insights you need to understand these growing markets. Join Asiance’s East Asia Digital Ecosystem Presentations to gain an overview of all three countries. Asiance partnered with the V Factory and Mobile Now to explain the Chinese Digital Ecosystem, and partnered with Foreign Connect to explain the Japanese Digital Ecosystem.


The Digital Ecosystem Presentation is divided into three parts: South Korea, China and Japan. Before diving deep into each country’s digital ecosystem, an overview is given to explore the following key questions: 

  • What does the digital ecosystem look like in these countries?
  • Why are these three countries important to enter?
  • What are the main similarities and differences of these three countries?

With an overview understanding of the three countries, each country is looked at in depth regarding the digital ecosystem. Each country will be divided as the following:

  • 45 minute presentation 
  • 15 minute Q & A session

At the end of all three presentations, you will leave with practical solutions that we can provide you as your Digital Ecosystem partners in South Korea, China and Japan. If you are interested in the Digital Ecosystem Presentation, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at or visit our Digital Ecosystem Presentation page on Asiance Academy! Please note that the presentation can be offered as a package of three countries, or just one or two of the countries.


Each country will dive into the following topics: 

  • Basics of the Digital Market 
  • Local Consumers
  • Local Giants
  • The Digital Media Ecosystem
  • The E-Commerce Ecosystem
  • Digital marketing Campaign Cases
  • Takeaways


  • You want to understand the digital ecosystems of Korea, China, and/or Japan
  • You want to know the latest insights and trends in Korea, China, and/or Japan
  • You want to understand the different consumer groups in Korea, China, and/or Japan
  • You want to launch your business in Korea, China, and/or Japan

If you are interested in the Digital Ecosystem Presentation, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at or visit our Digital Ecosystem Presentation page on Asiance Academy!

Please note that the presentation can be offered as a package of three countries, or just one or two of the countries.